Get ready to cook! This month's Raddish box, Going Green, will be shipped this week. Once it arrives, what is the best way to get started? Rad-families have asked -- and we've got the answer!
5 Steps to Kitchen Collaboration:
1. Recipe Choice: Begin by asking your child which recipe they would like to make. Ask follow up questions too! Why is this recipe exciting to you? How do you think it will taste? This step gives your child a sense of control and ownership of the process.
2. Read First: Read the recipe first together. Talk about what will happen and in what order.
3. Set Expectations for a Safe Kitchen: Discuss the dangers of hot stoves and sharp utensils. Talk about the importance of clean hands and proper kitchen behavior.
4. Gather Your Ingredients and Tools: Set out all of the ingredients and tools you will need to prepare the recipe before getting started.
5. Patience and Sense of Humor: Schedule time to create this recipe together. Cooking with kids takes a little more time and patience but results in a memorable and nourishing family meal!
And when things get silly -- laugh with your kids and snap a pic! We'd love to see photos of your Rad-Family having fun together. Share with us on Facebook at RaddishKids or Instagram at #raddishkids!
Raddish is a cooking club for kids! Created with a mission of bringing families together in the kitchen and at the table, our monthly thematic cooking kits take the guesswork out of cooking with kids while creating delicious kitchen memories along the way. Raddish is designed by a team of educators and chefs who believe the kitchen classroom is the tastiest place to learn. Join our membership today!